Events Calendar

Our Google Calendar. We will be posting all our events and happenings here, be sure to click on the event to read more about it!

Queer Family Building Resources

Inspired by the proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" and the relationship anarchy smorgasbord, we created a tool to help navigate conversations around caring for a child with partners or a trusted community.
Click the link below to find higher resolution notes and files.

A Note On Financial Transparency:

Each quarter 30% of The Mobile Moon Co-op’s proceeds go to a solidarity part.  This is an expression of direct mutual aid to the grassroots. The remaining funds compensate for materials and the time and energy of our core members. We are devoted to making high-quality products and hosting meaningful community events. Navigating compensation for this work is a difficult and confusing task! Depending on the month we make anywhere from $8-20/hour.  We ask for donations for many of our events so we can continue honoring our commitment to take care of ourselves and our community in the form of material and financial redistribution. 

We hold values of anti-capitalism and community liberation from oppressive structures. We know that everybody has bills to pay and we don’t want finances to stop anybody participating in our workshops or events. We offer sliding scale, work trade, discounts for QTBIPOC (Queer and Trans Black and Indigenous People of Color) and are open to other ideas for improving inclusivity. Please don’t feel discouraged to join in on an event if you can’t afford the entry, but please write to us and let us know so we can help! Lack of money is not a barrier to entry into our space. 

We encourage everyone to take a moment and reflect on your privilege and hold yourself accountable for what you can truly offer.  We believe in solidarity over charity and acknowledge the cruel and extractive historical processes that have led to certain community members being positioned with greater access to resources than others. If you’d like to give more than the suggested donation and/or sponsor a moonbox or workshop registration for someone else, you are welcome to do so! Just reach out and let us know. 

Thank you to everyone for all the ways you choose to engage with this project! We wouldn’t be here without the mycelial network of support and enthusiasm from you all.

Become a Member

No matter which category you select, your role as a part of this network of life creates a reciprocal balance of efforts and inputs. The tallest trees cannot survive without the smallest microbes and soil particles making a nurturing foundation.

Canopy $200+

The canopy tier is for sustainers of the Mobile Moon Co-op. The tops of the trees get the most light and foster life for the future. As a sustainer of the collective you are in a position to let your resources flow through the whole forest ecosystem. 


  • 1 Limited Edition Moonbox: 4 unique handcrafted products delivered once
  • Your name or organization will get a shout out on our website, social media and newsletter (if desired)
  • Partner in other creative ways like a product giveaway
  • Ongoing Soil & Mycelium tier


Would you like to join the newsletter? Have you curiosities or would like to collaborate? Have any questions about memberships? Feel free to write us a message!