February at the Moon

Full Moon update for February 2025!

Happy Full Moon everyone–

With recent changes in our government, it seems undeniable that we are on the precipice of a long dark period. 

They want to suppress us.

They want us to be afraid.

They want us isolated.

They want to bury us.

But they don’t know we are seeds.

We are persistent.

We are intelligent.

We are joyful.

Our cells hold myriad lineages of survival.

And when they bury us in the dark, that is when we each begin to sprout and emerge as radical and unique beings.

Take heart and know that we are here and we want to share with you!

As the digital landscape changes in sinister ways, we will be weaning off of Instagram and Facebook and will be communicating more regularly through other means:

  • Printing monthly events announcements to distribute at local venues 
  • A new blog on our website where we will share everything we would put into the social media feed 
  • This newsletter will continue to go out every three months
  • Members at any level receive monthly emails with all relevant updates
  • Signal chats with partners and volunteers

Aquarius asks you to find what makes you feel renewed and complete. As rules and restrictions obstruct your path, remember that you still have choices. Your keen imagination is a crucial tool for liberatory action. At this moment your family and your community need your advocacy and love more than ever. But don’t let this overwhelm you. Create sanctuaries of pleasure and solidarity. Dream. Reconnect with a sense of agency. Don’t let the dark days of Winter sap your strength. Instead, make a plan and share your ideas for a better world. Kiss the seeds you intend to plant in the Spring. 

Solidarity Partner

This December-February, 30% of our earnings are directly supporting The West Salt Lake Brown Berets, a political organization which strives to empower our community through Education, Culture and Self-Determination. The collective fights gentrification and supports vulnerable communities in West Salt Lake through resource distribution, political campaigning and network-building. The Brown Berets have been instrumental in bringing awareness to heavy-handed municipal rulings, such as the destruction of the culturally important Indoor Swap Meet in West Valley City, the demolition of the 800 S murals (memorial to people murdered by police), and the new Major League Baseball Stadium being built in the Fairpark neighborhood. 

Our partnership with the Brown Berets will come to completion at the end of February so we are seeking suggestions for local efforts that could use our support. You can reach out at any time with suggestions for people or projects that could use a boost and we will include it in our voting poll for members to vote on. 

Not only do we provide 30% of our earnings to the solidarity partner, but also highlight their projects and support them with our time and energy! Last week we brought healing teas and reading materials to the vigil to mourn the demolition of the police brutality murals. 


From the Apothecary

While the ground is frozen and the farm is dormant, we are crafting many special products to keep our community’s minds, bodies and spirits warm. This season, we highlighted herbal tea for the lungs to support damages caused by wildfires or poor air quality. We worked with bath salt infusions to encourage our community to release trapped energy in the tub. We crafted elderberry elixir and fire cider to support our immune systems and stay healthy throughout the cold and flu season. 


At the farm we strive to use regenerative land practices that increase biodiversity, build soil, and grow food and medicine for our people. We are hoping to bottom line open farm days so that as many people can benefit from meaningful garden opportunities as possible. We want volunteers to come learn and grow and process together so that we can co-create a world where we want to live. 

At open farm days, we will begin with a guided movement practice: yoga, stretching or dance. Then we move into farm activities. There are generally options of activities you can choose from: land work, artwork, apothecary work  or construction work. And if there are other areas of interest you can always feel free to do your own thing! A nourishing lunch is provided to all volunteers and activities continue after the meal. 


We have released two more membership tiers! 

Root & Rhizome:

This offering is for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color only. Our co-op identifies with and centers these identities so we strive to ensure that our healing is especially accessible to our community. We are committed to providing herbal joy to all of our community. As a Root and Rhizome member, you store resources and remedies deep in the ground and flourish as you stabilize subterranean networks of life. For this community our $55 a month offering will be $30 a month. Through this membership you will get a Moonbox which has 4 handcrafted products that we deliver to you monthly. In addition to all of Soil & Mycelium tier offerings which is monthly newsletter with sneak peeks and exclusive offering, 15% off event costs, solidarity partner voting rights and digital zine release + access to all zines. 

Vine & Runner:

This offering is for everyone. As a Vine & Runner member, you receive a monthly bulk product instead of one or four small ones. Vines in the ecosystem explore larger areas, expansively moving up, out, down and all around the forest of possibility. Runners take root in new soil. These are shareable quantities of product. 


The canopy tier is for sustainers of the Mobile Moon Co-op. As a Canopy member of the Mobile Moon Co-op you offer significant support to our operations in exchange for a monthly Moonbox and a shoutout in all of our communications. The tops of the trees get the most light and foster life for the future. As a sustainer of the collective you are in a position to let your resources flow through the whole forest ecosystem. 

And we still have spots open for other tiers– Soil & Mycelium, Herbaceous, Hedge and Bush, and Canopy! Learn more on our website!


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