Queer Family Building Resources

A guide for navigating community agreements

See snapshots of the accompanying 28 page guide!

It contains notes on grounding expectations (for the parent, caregiver, and child), how & who to gather, basic agreements & philosophies, how to handle change/repair, financial resources, and detailed conversations to consider regarding the smorgasbord topics.

– if you are curious, this is for you
– if you think you may be interested in parenting, this is for you
– if you want to support loved ones who have kids, this is for you
– if you are a community builder and want to be welcoming and accommodating to families, this is for you.
– if you have suffered loss in the areas of community, co-parenting, or family building, hopefully the painful wisdom you gained can be found within or added to these notes; paving the way for future creation and healing.

This process of designing your family inside or outside of traditional norms, but with thoughtful intention, is essentially a queer act. We hope this collection of ideas can liberate people who identify as queer or straight, cisgender, transgender, or nonbinary, birthing or non-birthing to create the families they would love to have.

Even as your plans shift with Life’s flow, we hope you find self-compassion and joy in the dance.


Camlyn & The Mobile Moon Team (Daley, Jenny, Rikki, Yasi)
and our Queer Family Building Community


Other Communities



Facebook Group: Adoption Facing Realities

Utah Community

Group for parents of trans kids facilitated by Jacoby Ballard - Yoga Teacher, Social Justice Educator, Author, Speaker, jacobyballard.net, @JacobyBallard