The Mobile Moon Co-op

a femme & queer led collective that aids communities & ecosystems through education, empowerment & botanical stewardship

Pisces Moonbox March 2025

Pisces invites you to dream and feel deeply as the world changes around you. Honor the emotions that flow through you, knowing that joy and grief are equally temporary and equally vital to the ebb and flow of life. Recognize that your blood courses through your veins like river water, renewing your corporeal tissues. Imagine taking a dip into that flowing water and letting go, trusting the current to take you somewhere where you belong. The apothecary offerings for Pisces were created to help you stay afloat and intentional in the ways that you navigate the currents. May your creative direction be clear and supported; informed by the beings that surround you. May you swim swiftly in the direction of your heart’s desires.

Seasonal Allergy Care Tincture
Pit Paste!
Felt Creatures and Zines from Black Mesa
Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach Spinacia oleracea

Nowruz Celebration 2025

Come celebrate spring equinox, Nowruz, Purim and Holi with us on Sunday March 23, 12-6pm. We will have many activities including garden activation, open mic, dancing, tea tasting and more!! More info to come but for now RSVP here so we know about how much food we should plan for and understand the capacity of the farm for this event.

Radical Reading & Tea Time

Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 7:30-9pm

Come bring your radical book and read with us while enjoying herbal tea made and grown by your Mobile Moon friends! This is a space to read your book silently and share what you learn with the rest of us at the end of the reading session. This space will be held every other wednesday. Let’s keep organizing and educating. We can’t stop until we are all free✊🏽

core values

We will implement a framework of intersectionality to support individuals who have been the most marginalized by systems of oppression.

We will implement a framework of intersectionality to support individuals who have been the most marginalized by systems of oppression.

We will work with and learn from the land, plants, and fungi in order to make possible a healthier, more fulfilled way of life for everyone

Winter Solidarity Partnership

This December-February, 30% of your membership is directly supporting The Rose Park Brown Berets, a political organization which strives to empower our community through Education, Culture and Self-Determination. The collective fights gentrification and supports vulnerable communities in West Salt Lake through resource distribution, political campaigning and network-building. The Brown Berets have been instrumental in bringing awareness to heavy-handed municipal rulings, such as the destruction of the culturally important Indoor Swap Meet in West Valley City, the demolition of the 800 S murals (memorial to innocent people murdered by police), and the new Major League Baseball Stadium being built in the Fairpark neighborhood.

Meet the Team

the people behind this collaborative community organization of ​women & queers working to create positive change

Canopy $200+

The canopy tier is for sustainers of the Mobile Moon Co-op. The tops of the trees get the most light and foster life for the future. As a sustainer of the collective you are in a position to let your resources flow through the whole forest ecosystem. 


  • 1 Limited Edition Moonbox: 4 unique handcrafted products delivered once
  • Your name or organization will get a shout out on our website, social media and newsletter (if desired)
  • Partner in other creative ways like a product giveaway
  • Ongoing Soil & Mycelium tier

Get in Touch

Would you like to join the newsletter? Have you curiosities or would like to collaborate? Have any questions about memberships? Feel free to write us a message!